Vanderbilt's Jean and Alexander Heard Libraries are entering an auspicious era as the university accelerates advancements in research, student learning and global service, strengthening Vanderbilt as a destination for growth, renewal, and free expression of ideas and discourse. Aligned fully with the university as one Vanderbilt, the Heard Libraries’ strategic plan builds on the foundation of Discovery Vanderbilt, Destination Vanderbilt and Opportunity Vanderbilt as an organizational compass concertedly guiding the libraries into the future as we continue to Dare to Grow.

The Vanderbilt Way
We embrace continuous learning, knowing that permanent growth improves our work and our own human potential.
We believe that the highest purpose of research and learning can only be achieved when all are welcome to participate.
We pursue opportunities to catalyze knowledge through new services, resources and partnerships.
We are a home for research, a neutral ground to further collaboration, communication and respect.
These core values—the Vanderbilt Way, belonging, adaptability and free expression—guide the libraries in our work to elevate the role of research and advance the university mission.
Bolster faculty research and deepen engagement with student experiential learning
Embed librarians at critical points in the research and teaching lifecycle at Vanderbilt to offer proactive and integrated provision of collections, expertise and services.
Promulgate extensible models for librarians as research collaborators, co-authors, team-based partners and contributors to curricula and other programs.
Build strategic collections for current research and pedagogical needs while actively contributing to the global scholarship of tomorrow.
Integrate knowledge discovery through our physical and virtual services and staff activities
Remove structural and technological barriers to research and knowledge to enhance access, discovery, innovation and productivity.
Frame our endeavors to inspire meaningful and critical engagement with the Vanderbilt community, local cultural heritage and the global community.
Develop diverse partnerships, improve workflows and expand interfaces to open Vanderbilt scholarship to local, national and international constituencies.
Partner with faculty to make the libraries a locus for interdisciplinary and trans-institutional initiatives
Generate new models for collaborative scholarship, digital projects, interdisciplinary research and pedagogical learning spaces.
Partner in the creation of new knowledge in the classroom, the lab and library spaces using digital pedagogy, archival collections and enhanced informational resources.
Construct new learning, study and event spaces to unlock the work of research, innovation and entrepreneurial scholarship, intersecting with broader campus initiatives.
Engage locally, regionally and globally in creating access, disseminating knowledge and preserving cultural memory
Expand global impact through intentional and consequential engagements with institutions, individuals and communities.
Promote information equity by opening scholarship and resources to expansive publics.
Protect the legacy of the world's cultural heritage by building and safeguarding collections with a focus on preservation, access and education.
Pursue effective and inclusive models for digital and material preservation and stewardship of collections.